“A man that flies from his fear may find that he has only
taken a shortcut to meet it.”J.R.R. TOLKIEN
Like many other masters that enlighten us, there is alwaysthe moment to recapture John Ronald Reuel Tolkien‘s spirit of life and his writings, as a necessary and oxygenating stop on our path.
In this sense, the film versions of works such as ‘The Hobbit’ and ‘Lord of the Rings’ are a magnificent contribution to discover the genius of the English philologist, often classified as the father of the genre ‘Modern Fantasy’ (or ‘High Fantasy’), but also a master in describing the human soul, its weaknesses and strengths.
Ties, mysteries, fears and adventures of humans, dwarves, elves and evil beings that fill up the pages of his stories are deeply linked to the expression of core values to live and love by. A look, Tolkien’s, which transformed into deeds of heroes and antiheroes, is an ode to create a better world through union, friendship, courage, love. The look of a man who lived through hard times and who left his personal concerns written: as a Catholic orphan educated by a non considered religion, in a Protestant environment, who was aware of industry effecs and of the importance of nature, as a more or less direct witness in the two Great World Wars. Tolkien, already in the 50s of last century, makes his fantasies up out from harsh realities, in a form of resilience, personal growth which is even educational. Thus, his novels are a tool of fun and learning for their own children. In fact, his most famous books, the aforementioned ‘The Hobbit’ and the subsequent trilogy ‘Lord of the Rings’ were conceived as stories for his family, in addition to work as a vehicle to express his academic experience.
Nowadays, and thanks to director Peter Jackson, the special messages of these stories can be enjoyed in images, such as this clip I want to share. It is from the film ‘Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers’, the second part of the trilogy. The bearer of the ring that can destroy the world, the hobbit Frodo, suffers from discouragement, as he believes everything is lost. His faithful companion, the noble and humble Sam, conveys a message of hope worthy of the Good and great people. Two exciting and poignant minutes I invite you to feel.
Because, as Tolkien himself said, “Courage is found in unlikely places”.
Hugs and kisses,
P.S.: For those interested in this great writer, a U.S. producer has announced to be working on a film about J.R.R. Tolkien.
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