Wayfarer, your footprints are
the pathway and nothing else;
Wayfarer, there is no path,
but the path that is made as you walk.As you walk the path is made,
and when you gaze behind
you see the path where
you will never walk again.Wayfarer, there is no path
just the wake upon the sea.ANTONIO MACHADO (“Proverbs and Songs” (XXIX))
[Free and unofficial translation]
Are we aware of the importance of our thoughts when creating our reality? And, specifically, are we aware of the power of our beliefs, that is, what we believe about ourselves, about others and about life when conditioning us in our day-to-day lives? Because, really, we are, in large part, what we think we are. From our subjectivity we build ourselves as people and interact with others and with the world. And to relate, we construct an interpretation of it, which ends up being what we call our world, and of life, which ends up being our life. Our unconscious beliefs, like it or not, shape our subjective reality (attitudes, thoughts, emotions, self-esteem and projections) and, consequently, our response to the environment.
Just as our beliefs can act as a brake on our fulfillment, it is also true that, in addition, in the opposite dimension, they can act as trampolines or wings. Because we are the ones who build our realities out of our attitudes and beliefs. That is, what we believe is what we create. Moreover, in general, we do not know what we can do until we try, but to try it, we should start with enough confidence to take that first step, we should have faith that we can create our wish. Without this, there is not the slightest and necessary intention that precedes all creation. To create, at any level, there must be first a fundamental condition: that we can believe. And although this is a necessary condition, it is often not enough.
Our beliefs about ourselves and over reality establish an ongoing dialogue which just acts for us like a software program that operates around the clock. This unconscious conversation is the key to human and social transformation. Because belief is at the origin of the bond of trust. Let’s look at an example: if a child receives from his parents and school the training and education which are necessary to allow him to build a healthy, balanced and objective system of beliefs, he will have enough inner strength, built on an optimal mix of tenderness and necessary limits, allowing him to enjoy confidence (self-esteem) to believe he can pull ahead, take risks, learn from mistakes, take responsibility, correct, improve continuously, and ultimately, grow and go conquering plots of reality and life. This process is what makes human beings become good people, good professionals and good citizens.
As the word says, beliefs are built from believing, and in turn, believing is built on trust. If we believe in something or someone is because we trust that something or someone. Then the dialogue with reality, trial and error, effort and learning, which is the reward of achievement, accomplishment and pleasure to create and transform are born of self confidence in each other and in life. Believing is trustisg, and trusting is creating. Without trust we would not declare our love, we would not bring children into the world, we would not invest to improve, we would neither risk nor innovate. Without trust it would not be worth living. Without trust there is no real encounter -the engine for transformating reality. Without trust we cannot love and we cannot let us be loved. Actually, heartbreak is simply the breakdown of trust in the other. Trust and live in pursuit of fulfillment go hand in hand. Trust and create, are one. Create and living become one concept together in the hands of the trust.
Trust, believe, love, create, achieve, are the five verbs that transform the world. Whoever trusts, believes, he who believes, loves, he who loves, creates, he who creates with love and trust, achieves. Consequently, the aphorism that says “whether you think you can, and if you think not, you are right”, is pure common sense. If we believe in our heart that we will not make it, we will not take the necessary step, and if given, insecurity will tend to boycott the initiative. At the other extreme, he who is prepared, who knows how, learns, trains with tenacity, rehearses with joy and effort, enjoys the process, finds a meaning, incorporates errors as assets on their experience, quits victimism for responsibility and builds a personality and a dialectic with the world that allows him to go and get in the way of life, because it carves a confidence in their own ability to conduct and manage life. Therefore, probably the one who wants to does better than the one who can.
To create, again, we must believe that we can. But we shall not understand this belief as an act of blind and unconscious faith, but quite the opposite: it is the consequence of the triumph of the will and of active experience.
Álex Rovira
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