Usually violence, whether individual or related to war, to a conflict is an expression of impotence. The last resort left for a person to defend themselves when they feel powerless. It is important to be aware that omnipotence is often the result of impotence: it is a defense mechanism that makes the person who lacks self-esteem show as vain, arrogant, bully, just to compensate their low self-esteem.
What is the power then? Power is what we are, what we are in essence and we can update if we live, if we do, if we fill our life experience with content, if we progress in the creation of our self experience.
Impotence, however, is too often supported by false beliefs; yes, there is a real impotence, there are things we can not change as much as we like, but often impotence stems from a false idea —he who feels superior despises others which make them feel unconsciously powerless—.
And the best we can do to avoid falling into this false impotence is to connect with our power, and update it, see what we can as we go and we risk trying new ways, in any dimension, professional, personal… This will allow us to update our power and leave the two elements that have to do with the idea self, impotence, and the ideal self, the overpowered: “Because I can not now, in the future I will be able”.
The overpower or omnipotence is closely linked to pride, arrogance, indifference and vanity. If we look and analyze superb people we know we may end up thinking like: “They may not have been loved enough as a child”. Omnipotence is typical of people who constantly needs to feel recognized, to be noticed, show off… And although it seems paradoxical, often behind this vanity there is a profound lack of love for themselves.
There is a direct relationship between the victim and feeling helpless and between omnipotence and feeling savior. It is described in the Karpman Triangle. Karpman, a psychologist, said that often psychological games, emotional conflicts that, unconsciously, we live are build up from three positions we learn in childhood: the position of victim, savior or persecutor. And from there the game starts up, and some people just start being a victim and end up being a persecutor, or vice versa. These games are impotence.
Only if we can connect with our power, and therefore, our ability to speak to express our emotions, to solve our conflicts, to think what is not working and find a way to fix it, we will stop playing, we will stop being victims, persecutors and saviors, and we will allow ourselves to learn, grow and love to enjoy this process and to consciously create a better life for our environment.
Álex Rovira
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