Fito Páez wrote one of the most beautiful songs: “Yo vengo a ofrecer mi corazón” (“I’ve come to offer my heart”). Mercedes Sosa’s wonderful voice and spirit raise it even higher, if possible. Mercedes sings here with Víctor Heredia. Lyrics for thinking and acting, a voice to move you, music for feeling.
Who said everything is lost?
I’ve come to offer my heart.
So much blood’s run down the river,
I’ve come to offer my heart.
It won’t be so easy, I know how it goes.
It won’t be as easy as I thought.
As opening my chest and taking out my soul, a knife wound of love.
Moon of the poor, always open,
I’ve come to offer my heart.
As an unchanging document,
I’ve come to offer my heart.
And I’ll join the tips of a single ribbon,
and walk away quietly, walk away slowly,
and I’ll give you everything and you’ll give me something,
something to relieve me, that’s all.
When there’s no-one close or far,
I’ve come to offer my heart.
When satellites won’t reach,
I’ve come to offer my heart.
I speak of countries and hope,
I speak for life, I speak for nothingness,
I speak to change this, our home,
to change it for change’s sake, that’s all.
Who said everything is lost?
I’ve come to offer my heart.
I’ve come to offer my heart.
I’ve come to offer my heart.
Hugs, kisses,
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