We cannot get enough of beauty. Moreover, every piece of art, every landscape, every melody or song that moves us because of its beauty becomes that ‘life partner’ we often need to cling to, either to enjoy its presence or to regain strength and continue walking when life is tough.
Yes, beauty saves us. Art heals us. Nature inspires and moves us. And all this makes us connect with life and what is essential.
A few months ago I shared this video. The other day, at home I was listening to some piano solos by Ludovico Einaudi and I remembered these images, as the music that goes with them is the same that I enjoyed last Saturday.
So I have decided to share these images again, so beautiful that remind us of the privilege of living on this Earth and make us open our eyes to the miracles that surround us and that we fail to see due to daily inertias.
Two minutes from our time, inspiring ones, I am convinced that the thousands of people who now follow this space and who were not here a few months ago, have the chance to watch and will appreciate it.
Sensations that make us better human beings.
Kisses and hugs.
![Alex Rovira](
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