It is well worth investing, yes, investing ten minutes of our time to contemplate and be inspired by this video of kind words and exciting images.
A conference on gratitude illustrated with a magnificent documentary that weaves the wisdom of a beautiful girl and a wise and lucid old man that open one’s heart’s eyes and mind, with the help of Louie Schwartzberg, director and producer of it, and in the context of a brilliant conference from TED Talks.
This present has been given friend to us by our friend Alexis Marczuk, whose website I recommend with vehemence and enthusiasm, as it is wonderful, another beautiful gift. You will be surprised and feel hooked to it:
So in this very post, a video, on one hand, and the website of Alexis, on another. Two great presents that are brought by the same hands. More tools for us to grow.
Thank you, dear Alexis,
Kisses and hugs,
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