This has been a dry winter, with very little rain.
Just two weeks ago, it was hard to guess the tips of the leaves and flowers, very much expected. They would not show. The severe cold kept them hidden.
And suddenly, life explodes. It manifests itself in an overwhelming exuberance. Dozens, hundreds, thousands of beautiful flowers, fruits are called to be open to light, offer themselves to life with extraordinary beauty. Shapes, colors, surprising perspectives that make me want to get lost with my camera trying to capture fragments of a painfully intense and ephemeral beauty.
In nature we can find all possible lessons, all the metaphors. How often it seems difficult to change, to transform, flower, live. How often we feel that the winter, existential crisis or misfortune are endless. But life is a systole and a diastole, a pendulum, a rhythm, always swinging. And what is meant to be, it is. And whatever has to be born, it is born, if the gardener takes care of his garden as he must. The flower, then, simply run its course.
Let’s enjoy the beauty that is given away to us, valuing, respecting, caring, and let’s make flourish what is in our hands to flourish.
Kisses, hugs.
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