I read it over for the umpteenth time. I just wanted to remember a piece of text I found when I first read it, and that I remember I underlined. I take it in my hands and re-read a passage, and then another and another through. I can not quit. It’s Sunday afternoon, I have a blissful moment, and I start reading it from the beginning, and I just can not let go. Finally, I just find myself reading it all again. Is this the seventh or eighth time I’ve read it? Or is it the ninth…? Tenth? I do not know. I lost count on it, and I am not exaggerating. But this Mitch Albom’s classic book is a must read for those who want to hear the latest life lessons from someone who knew how to live: friendship, values, loss, illness compund an existential vision that makes us not losing hope about the best of human beings.
A journey through all corners of existence when life is ending, written in a simple and friendly way. A window to the soul.
Not enjoy it is missing a great opportunity.
Kisses, hugs,
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