David asked Victor:
–Okay, tell me: What is the difference between luck and Good Luck?
Victor pondered before answering:
–When your family received inheritance, you had got luck. But no such luck depends on you, so it does not last too long. You just had a bit of luck, so now you have nothing. I, however, started to create luck. Luck, like that, it is not up to you. Good Luck, only depends on you. The real one, it is the latter. The first, simply does not exist.
David could not believe his ears.
–Are you saying that luck does not exist?
–Well… If you want, say it does exist, but it is too improbable to expect that would happen to you. And in this case, it does not last, it is ephemeral. Did you know that nearly 90% of people who have won the lottery, have not taken more than ten years to be ruined or getting back as they were before the lottery? Instead, Good Luck can always be achieved if you are determined. Therefore it is called Good Luck, because it is good, really.
This is an excerpt of this story that I published ten years ago along with my friend Fernando Trías de Bes; a book that has brought me great satisfaction. In particular, it has connected me to so many readers around the world, in over 40 languages and in many countries. A book that you still share and keep alive, something I cannot thank enough.
On this post, I introduce the ten rules on which the story is based, and that I will comment on later posts.
To start with, I invite you to reflect on an interesting pairing:
That is to say, having a set of attitudes and skills with the know how so we can make the most out of the options we may have. The result from this sum? Nothing more and nothing less than Good Luck.
I wish you a happy week,
First Rule for Good Luck
Luck does not last for too long, because it does not depend on you. Good Luck is created by ourselves, so it can always last.
Second Rule for Good Luck
Many are those who want Good Luck, but just a few the ones who decide to go for it.
Third Rule for Good Luck
If we do not have Good Luck maybe it is because we are always under the same circumstances. For Good Luck to come, we should create new circumstances.
Fourth Rule for Good Luck
Preparing circumstances does not mean seeking Good Luck only for our own benefit. Creating circumstances where others also can win attracts Good Luck.
Fifth Rule for Good Luck
If “you leave for tomorrow” the preparation of the circumstances, Good Luck may never come. Causing the circumstances to turn up requires a first step… take it today!
Sixth Rule for Good Luck
Even under the circumstances apparently necessary, Good Luck sometimes fails to happen. Search in the details of the seemingly unnecessary circumstances… but that are essential!
Seventh Rule for Good Luck
For those who only believe in chance, creating circumstances might be absurd. Those who are dedicated to creating circumstances do not care about chance.
Eighth Rule for Good Luck
Nobody can sell luck. Good Luck cannot be sold. Beware of luck’s sellers.
Ninth Rule for Good Luck
After you have created all the circumstances, be patient, do not give up. Good Luck is to come, trust it.
Tenth Rule for Good Luck
Creating Good Luck is to prepare the circumstances at any opportunity. But the opportunity is not a matter of chance: it is always there!
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