Autumn is coming in, and the leaves will fall in the beech forest, and it will turn bare, shedding them into a thick layer of humus, its perennial food.
On the path that goes up towards the Pla de la Calma, the silence of this autumn offers up a priceless quietude.
I like getting lost in the forest, treading paths I already know and opening up others into the unknown.
And seeing the passing of time on the same spot along the path: in the tree and the bush that grows, in the flowers that marvel us each spring, in the smell of the earth, like the skin of a woman whose scent changes with the seasons.
I have to admit I find cities harder and harder, with their noises, their smoke, hurry and false sense of urgency. And I need to lose myself along the paths that are sacred to me. Lose myself in order to find myself and be able to give of myself.
Do you also need to lose yourself to find yourself?
Hugs, kisses,
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