[Unofficial translation]
‘I speak for Nature, for absolute freedom and wildness, as opposed to freedom and culture merely civil, considering the human being as a citizen, or an integral part of Nature rather than as a member of society. I would like to make an extreme statement, and if so I would give it great emphasis, because there are enough defenders of civilization: the priest, the school board and each of you to have charge of it.
In the course of my life I have known only one or two people who understood the art of walking… ‘
So it begins the delightful short essay “Walking”, written by the poet, essayist and American naturalist Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862), known for his work “Walden”, the story of the two years he spent living in the cabin he built himself next to Walden Pond in the heart of the forests of Massachusetts.
For those who love nature and walking, Thoreau’s voice in this great work is a gift. An ode to the art of walking and an awaken for the soul to the “absolute freedom and the wild nature”.
Here you are my watercolor pictures from the latest walk, that brought this beautiful essay back to my memories.
Kisses, hugs,
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