(Free and unofficial translation)
As long as you exist,
As I can look
up for you beyond the hills,
And nothing
Fills up my heart,
If not your image, and that
Remote possibility that you are alive
Somewhere, lit
By any light…Whereas
I can sense you are and your name
Is so, with that name of yours
So sweet,
I will continue as now, love
Of mine
Puffed of distance
For the love that grows and does not die,
For the love that goes on and never ends.
Ángel González Muñiz wrote.
This extraordinary poet, who was born in Oviedo, left us his poems, full of intensity and beauty that I invite you to enjoy.
Get to know him, let us read him: Ángel González Muñiz.
If words can heal, good poetry can transform.
I wish you a pleasant week.
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