“We must become the change we seek in the world.”
I read in an interview with the soprano Barbara Hendricks, who despite racial segregation managed to graduate in mathematics, chemistry and as a singer, and is now a reference in the lyrical field:
“You’ve been poor, rich, ignored, acclaimed…
-The fundamental learning in my life has been to be honest with myself, and for that I had to learn to listen, but the most important thing is to learn not to be afraid, and that’s never easy.”
The greatness of a cause is not measured by its size. Typically, the cause is great in so far as the heart is bigger than that or those working for that. They may be companies, projects, changes, challenges, initiatives, but in all cases they must have integrity, excellence and commitment to service, because without these principles there is no real purpose.
The men are great only if they are determined to be. In addition, many seek to do important things but unfortunately, very few are willing to do the little things. And only through the little things are built those great works.
An individual dream usually reamins a fantasy, but if we can spread that desire to others, we will have the energy and enthusiasm that will make it come true.
Have a happy week.
Hugs and kisses,
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