Talking about the extraordinary beauty of some of the poems written by Constantine P. Cavafy, Yvette gives me this excerpt as a present [free and unofficial translation]:
“Neither Lestrygonians and Cyclops,
Nor wild Poseidon will you ever meet
If you do not carry them within your soul,
If it is not your soul that puts them before you.”
But then she modifies it spontaneously and so it arises what is perhaps one of the greatest truth of this life:
“You will not find it,
If you do not carry it within your soul,
if it is not your soul that puts it before you.”
Yes. I think so and I feel so. Yes.
We can only see out there what we do have got deep inside. We can only recognize what we are, whatever may be the degree of elevation or misery, the degree of beauty or horror. We can only recognize it if we carry it inside.
If you are moved by someone’s generosity, it means that you can recognize it, that you are able to express it. If, however, somebody else’s goodness or beauty does not move you at all, does not impress you, does not cause an impact on your soul, you are probably not able to recognize in others something that you have not lived, that you may not feel, that it does not belong to you.
Hence the importance of living and make life a field for learning, for experience, so as to nourish our souls and to put ourselves at people disposal. Because that is when we find treasures. I am not referring to material treasures, but quite the opposite: beautiful people, deep experiences, good thoughts, healthy emotions. We only experience the beauty when it is sown in our soul, and when we are willing to offer its fruit to the world.
Kisses and hugs,
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