![I ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE OF LIFE](https://www.alexrovira.com/wp-content/themes/alexrovira-v2/_/img/layout/responsimg-empty.png)
“The future has many names.
For the weak it is the unattainable.
For the fearful, the unknown.
For the brave, it is the opportunity.”VICTOR HUGO
The future has as many faces as each of us can paint for it. That’s what we can treasure out of Victor Hugo’s catchphrase I chose to illustrate my fable “Seven Powers”. The great French author wrote “Les Misérables”, now adapted to cinema in a splendid version recognized by critics and public.
And because the costumes for this film, the Spanish designer Paco Delgado has been nominated for an Oscar. And so, when asked if he had imagined being a nominee for the cinema’s top award, he says he did not even see it as an option in his real future, beyond his dreams.
However, his strength has led him to this opportunity. First, because he accepted the challenge. And then he gave in to it with passion, effort and confidence.
Without challenges we cannot grow up. Fear of failure kills life. Let us dare to realize our dreams, to exercise the power we hold in our soul, which is not born of vanity and fear -what generates darkness. The power is manifested in the ability to embody our dreams through passion and the undismayed and patient work, that which transforms reality and create new conditions for our future life to be different, prosperous and meaningful.
Yes. The biggest defeat is not being uncapable to overcome a challenge, but not even give it a try. The battle of life is not always won by the strongest man, the more agile or the fastest, but by the one who believes he can make it.
Listen to life, accept the challenge it proposes. Let us trust, for life is a path based on confidence, in surrender to uncertainty, to risk. Without it, we could not keep walking towards what we think it is impossible and we can make possible, if we believe too.
Good luck to Paco Delgado.
Good luck and hugs and kisses for everyone.
[You can read about these ideas in Álex’ books: “Seven Powers”, “The Inner Compass”, “Good Luck” or “Good Crisis”.]
![Alex Rovira](https://www.alexrovira.com/wp-content/themes/alexrovira-v2/_/img/layout/alexrovira-signature.png)
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