We reap what we sow and each harvest is a time of growth and maturation. There are no shortcuts for it.
There is a short story that illustrates this principle, and speaks of a kind of bamboo. It goes like this:
“No need to be a farmer to know that a good harvest requires good seed, good fertilizer and watering.
It is also obvious that those who cultivate the land are not impatient enough to stand next to the sown seed and shout with all his might: “Grow up now, damn you!”.
There is something very curious about the Japanese bamboo which fits this but it is not a matter for the impatient. One sows the seed, fertilizes it and keeps it well irrigated constantly. During the first months nothing remarkable happens. Actually, nothing happens with the seed during the first seven years, to the point that a novice grower might be convinced to have bought sterile seeds.
However, during the seventh year, in a period of just six weeks, the bamboo plant grows up… Over 30 meters!
Does it take just six weeks to grow?
No! The truth is that it takes seven years to grow and six weeks to develop. During the first seven years of apparent inactivity, this bamboo generates a complex root system that allows it to sustain the growth that will come later.
In everyday life, many people try to find quick solutions, hasty triumphs without understanding that success is simply a result of internal growth and it takes time.
Perhaps for the same impatience, many of those who aspire to succeed quit short-term results suddenly just as they were about to conquer the goal. It is difficult to convince the impatient that success only comes up to those who struggle to succeed by persevering and who know to wait for the right time.
Likely, we need to understand that many times we may face situations where we will believe that nothing is happening. And this can be extremely frustrating.
When in those moment (we all have), let’s remember the ripening of Japanese bamboo. And let’s not be put off nor give in if we don’t see the expected result, because something is actually happening within us: we are growing, maturing.
Let’s not give up, but go gradually and imperceptibly creating habits and a character that allow us to sustain success when it materializes at last.
Winning is just a process that takes time and dedication. A process that requires learning new habits and forces us to discard others.
A process that requires changes, actions and a formidable feat of patience.”
Hugs and kisses,
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