We should not despise the misnamed "stupid questions" because they tend to open doors that we open rarely.
Attitude = loving and wishing; + Wisdom = learning and knowledge; + Hability = doing and willing; Commitment = creating and bequeath; + Ethics = Transformation.
They don't lie to us. We lie to ourselves. Even worse: they surely lie to us. But (it seems that) we easily let them do it, which is a rather sad thing.
How often I think and I feel that a single life is too short!
The question is: why do some people are so fast? Where are they supposed to get first? What are they running away from?
Vertigo or ecstasy? Intensity or depth? Emptiness or Meaning? Dogma or reflection? Egotism or otherness? Morbidity (death) or shared plenitude?
The one who misunderstands the extraordinary with banality, the one who doesn't appreciate the value of tenderness, generosity or forgiveness, is asleep and not alive.
Absorbed is the one who is always thinking of himself. Prisoner of his navel, inbreeding is a ferocious poison.
The one who criticizes, pays up.
To listen, to understand, to empathize to answer properly. As simple as infrequent. This is the value of good people.
It is obvious that "curiosity did NOT kill the cat", but gave him 7 lives.
He lost everything because he wanted everything.
You might not harvest much unless you sow enough. If you don't sow anything you will harvest nothing.
Emotional intelligence
Being emotional and having a great emotional intelligence are rather different things.
The voice of life
Having the courage of listening to the voice of life out from silence, silence and meditation, are the sources of compassion and creativity.
A clear symptom of maturing is the real acceptance of death. We all know we will die one day, but few believe it.
I love the old in the hands of elderly. The wrinkles of their skin contain life, work and truth. They are like the roots that give us to drink.
A great heart can easily be filled up with little joys.
Living or existing?
Living and existing are not the same. Some live, and some others just exist.
We won't age while we grow up.
He wanted more because he needed less.
To preach
Do not preach, your son is watching.
Dignity: origin and ending of any real loving act.
Life would be unbearable without art.
The mistery of life
Too often, we disregard the mistery and sacred of what we call life. And you can see the results.
He reached freedom thanks to psychoanalysis, but couldn't get rid of the therapist.
Adults ask children what they want to do for a living in order to find a clue for themselves.
Usually a small death is needed before being reborn.
Guilt destroys possibilites. The principle of responsibility generates learning and opportunities.
Knowledge is the root of all decisions, plans, and love; the raw material to progress and for the creation of shared prosperity.
Taking care of life
The one who takes care of every instant takes care of their whole life.
Life is the sum of "suddenlies"
Personal history
We are the narration of the I, of the he, of life. We are our subjective narration, and so often unconscious.
I exist, thus I think. And despite of this, I can't understand ignominy.
"Our priority will be unemployment", they announced. And you could feel it. It has increased year after year.
We are running short of pleases and thankyous. The existence of both cheer us up and makes life more pleasant.
It is surprising how easily we can make life complicated.
It was clear that he was always there and then instead of here and now. It was obvious that he wouldn't score the goal.
Being somebody doesn't imply being a person, not even being human. We are born women and men but humanity is to be conquered.
Nobody needs help to be in trouble.
He spoke about himself all the time and criticized others.
-Why do you wish, oh, Socrates, to learn to play the lyre if you are to die? -So I can play the lyre before I die.
Looking back
How many times, looking back on time and life, we are impressed by the path we have walked to get here.
Sometimes you come out winning from failure because you learn from it.
Miracles are like stones: they are everywhere offering his beauty and almost nobody values them. We live in a reality where prodigies abound, but they are seen only by those who have developed its perception. Without this sensitivity everything becomes banal, marvellous facts are called casualty, and we walk without the key of gratitude. When anything extraordinary happens, it is seen like a natural phenomenon, from which we can take profit without giving anything to. But miracle claims for an exchange: what you have given to me I must spread for others. We must be united to feel the power. Miracles are neither done nor provoked, they are discovered. When one who believed he was blind takes off his dark glasses, he sees the light. This darkness is the rational prison.
Every second we experience is a new, unique moment in the universe, a moment that will never return...
No one is as wrong as the one who spends most of his life making a living.