Good Crisis
Reinventing Yourself: the Revolution of Consciousness
Getting over a crisis –the crisis- doesn’t mean HAVING once again, but managing to BE -facing each moment with dignity, hope and a sense of reality. “The crisis will be what you make of it,” states Álex. A book which takes difficulty as a sign of life, but teaches us to incorporate the best of the past, to give in to change, to challenge routine, to create and think differently, and to find meaning in pain. The time has come to face our difficulties, unexpected changes, stagnation; and to use our intelligence, to trust and keep on going.
In the same line as the inspirational messages that have brought readers all over the world together in works such as “Good Life” or “Good Luck”, Álex Rovira completes his trilogy with “Good Crisis”, a showcase of inspirational, illustrative letters written to you, the reader, which give you the keys to transforming your life through the learning process any kind of crisis leads to, with examples of obstacles overcome and words to revitalize you. An indispensable work for turning crises into new opportunities.
Available in Spanish, Catalan and Portuguese.